During search about how to implement custom paging in SharePoint List i found many articles
while reading the above article i saw comment from a guy
Similar example with source code
Step by Step Guide to implement Paging and sorting with SPQuery and SPListItemCollectionPosition
but when i went there (Similar example with source code) and start reading and applying the code i found that there is problem in Previous button and it's not working probably so i start changing the code :
- Next and Previous is working very well
- sorting using gridview sorting(not dropdownlist)
- You can use it without sorting columns ( just remove the OnSorting="gvTasks_OnSorting") from html Code
Note: to runt the code you must has a List with name Tasks and columns:
- Title
- Status
- StartDate
Here is the Code:
<%--HTML Code--%>
<SharePoint:SPGridView ShowFooter="true" runat="server" AllowSorting="true" OnSorting="gvTasks_OnSorting" ID="gvTasks" AllowPaging="true"
PageSize="4" AutoGenerateColumns="false">
<asp:BoundField DataField="Title" SortExpression="Title" HeaderText="Task Name" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Status" SortExpression="Status" HeaderText="TaskStatus" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="StartDate" HeaderText="Start Date" />
<table style="float:right; width:100px">
<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButtonPrevious" runat="server"
<asp:Label ID="LabelPaging" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label></td>
<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButtonNext" runat="server"
<C# code>
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
private void LoadData(int currentPage , bool isPrevious)
ViewState["CurrentPage"] = currentPage;
string SortExpression = "";
if (ViewState["SortExpression"] != null)
SortExpression = ViewState["SortExpression"] as string;
SortDirection sortDirection = SortDirection.Descending;
//SortDirection sortDirection
if (ViewState["SortDirection"] != null)
sortDirection = (SortDirection)ViewState["SortDirection"];
string pageInfo = ViewState["Next"] as string;
if (isPrevious)
pageInfo = ViewState["Previous"] as string;
FillData(pageInfo, SortExpression, sortDirection == SortDirection.Ascending);
private void FillData(string pagingInfo, string sortColumn, bool sortAscending)
int currentPage = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["CurrentPage"]);
uint rowCount = (uint)gvTasks.PageSize;
string columnValue = "";
string nextPageString = "Paged=TRUE&p_ID={0}&p_" + sortColumn + "={1}";
string PreviousPageString = "Paged=TRUE&PagedPrev=TRUE&p_ID={0}&p_" + sortColumn + "={1}";
SPListItemCollection collection;
//first make a call to fetch the desired result set
//here is the actual call to the dal function
collection = GetTestItems(sortColumn, sortAscending, pagingInfo, rowCount);
DataTable objDataTable = collection.GetDataTable();
gvTasks.DataSource = objDataTable;
//now we need to identify if this is a call from next or first
if (null != collection.ListItemCollectionPosition)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortColumn))
if (collection.Fields[sortColumn].Type == SPFieldType.DateTime)
columnValue = SPEncode.UrlEncode(Convert.ToDateTime(collection[collection.Count - 1][sortColumn]).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss"));
columnValue = SPEncode.UrlEncode(Convert.ToString(collection[collection.Count - 1][sortColumn]));
nextPageString = string.Format(nextPageString, collection[collection.Count - 1].ID, columnValue);
nextPageString = string.Empty;
if (currentPage > 1)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortColumn))
if (collection.Fields[sortColumn].Type == SPFieldType.DateTime)
columnValue = SPEncode.UrlEncode(Convert.ToDateTime(collection[0][sortColumn]).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss"));
columnValue = SPEncode.UrlEncode(Convert.ToString(collection[0][sortColumn]));
PreviousPageString = string.Format(PreviousPageString, collection[0].ID, columnValue);
PreviousPageString = string.Empty;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nextPageString))
LinkButtonNext.Visible = false;
LinkButtonNext.Visible = true;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PreviousPageString))
LinkButtonPrevious.Visible = false;
LinkButtonPrevious.Visible = true;
ViewState["Previous"] = PreviousPageString;
ViewState["Next"] = nextPageString;
LabelPaging.Text = ((currentPage - 1) * rowCount) + 1 + " - " + currentPage * rowCount;
protected void LinkButtonPrevious_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
LoadData(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["CurrentPage"]) - 1,true);
protected void LinkButtonNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
LoadData(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["CurrentPage"]) + 1,false);
public static SPListItemCollection GetTestItems(string sortBy, bool sortAssending, string pagingInfo, uint rowLimit)
SPWeb objWeb = SPContext.Current.Web;
SPListItemCollection collection;
SPQuery objQuery = new SPQuery();
objQuery.RowLimit = rowLimit;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortBy))
objQuery.Query = "<OrderBy><FieldRef Name='" + sortBy + "' Ascending='" + sortAssending + "' /></OrderBy>";
objQuery.ViewFields = "<FieldRef Name='Title' /><FieldRef Name='ID' /><FieldRef Name='Status' /><FieldRef Name='StartDate' />";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pagingInfo))
SPListItemCollectionPosition position = new SPListItemCollectionPosition(pagingInfo);
objQuery.ListItemCollectionPosition = position;
collection = objWeb.Lists["Tasks"].GetItems(objQuery);
return collection;
protected void gvTasks_OnSorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs arg)
if (ViewState["SortDirection"] == null)
ViewState["SortDirection"] = arg.SortDirection;
ViewState["SortDirection"] = ((SortDirection)ViewState["SortDirection"] == SortDirection.Ascending ? SortDirection.Descending : SortDirection.Ascending);
ViewState["SortExpression"] = arg.SortExpression;
there is an error out of arguments