Paging With SPDataSource (Very Easy)
I give up from SPListItemCollectionPosition and how it works and you have to pay too much attention to last item id and .... even i wrote an article about it you can see it here (paging with splistitemcollectionposition) but not now.
Now i am gonna show you an easy way for paging in very simple steps using SPDataSource
Add Visual Web Part (Contracts) and on code behind add
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
if (gvContracts != null)
gvContracts.PagerTemplate = null;
Add SPGridView
<SharePoint:SPGridView ID="gvContracts" DataSourceID="dsContracts" GridLines="None"
AllowPaging="true" PageSize="2" OnPageIndexChanging="gvContracts_PageIndexChanging"
runat="server" ShowHeader="false" OnRowDataBound="gvContracts_RowDataBound"> <PagerStyle CssClass="gvfooter" />
<%# Eval("Title")%>
<PagerSettings Mode="NumericFirstLast" Position="Bottom" />
Add SPDataSource
<SharePoint:SPDataSource runat="server" ID="dsContracts" DataSourceMode="List"> <SelectParameters>
<asp:Parameter Name="WebUrl" DefaultValue="/Arabic//TendersAndContracts" />
<asp:Parameter Name="ListName" DefaultValue="Contracts" />
run your application and see
you can use it in more complex situations i already did it before.
wothout this line of code ( gvContracts.PagerTemplate = null;)
the pager will not shown.
this sample image show paging for public portal using this paging with complex search
You are welcomed for any question, just drop me comment.